Here is a recap of our trip and some pictures I promised.
We flew into Salt Lake City. I have two teenagers so we wanted to drive some but not spend too much time cooped up in the car.
The sky was hazy and the air was smoky from fires burning in eastern Utah and Idaho. The air was still and hot. We rented a van and drove to Idaho Falls. My husband got us two adjoining rooms at the Hampton Inn. Those of you with teenagers will understand why this was important. My husband calls it “meltdown prevention” - his.
A romantic view of the Grand Tetons
Lewis Falls in Yellowstone National Park
Nails. I just really like this picture and I know it will come in handy someday.
There was an old condemned building in Cooke City, Montana and here is one of the windows, and one of the doorways. I have been collecting pictures of windows and doors for years.
A detail of a lace curtain taken in the only restaurant in Silver Gate, Montana.
We stayed in a nice house in Cooke City for a week. The second day we drove about two hours to Cody, Wyoming because we needed groceries and that’s how far a regular sized grocery store was. The small stores with groceries in Silver Gate and Cooke City were little one room stores with incidentals but very few staples. It was hot and very hazy from the fires.
Before the groceries we had lunch in a restaurant that was built as a saloon by Buffalo Bill Cody. This moose was looking at me the whole time.
Yeah, we drove back - two hours. Minimal bickering and no tears. Yay!
Here is a picture of a sweet little bird on a birdhouse from the view outside the dining room window where we were staying.
Views from inside the park:
Rock formation
A haunting scene of burned trees still standing from that big fire in Yellowstone years ago. They are all dead. What is interesting to know is that the trees have naturally reseeded the park and there are babies between all the fallen and standing dead trees. It is really very beautiful.
We went whitewater rafting on the Yellowstone River one day.
and on the way back to the house watched a lightning storm from the car. It really cleared the air and livened everything up. Things started to look green again.
An antelope I saw 20 feet from the road. He stayed there grazing even as I got out of the car and walked to the edge of the road and took his picture. Look, HE really IS looking at me. O.K. He is an elk!
My husband even took each kid out fishing and they got to wear their waders. Here they got caught in a downpour.
and I don’t really know what this is, maybe it’s a magic trick
My favorite sky shot one evening before dark. The clouds looked like they were glowing.
A young bear at the side of the road and no, I didn’t get out.
A buffalo roaming way out there.
Upper Yellowstone Falls. I was too close and viewing from above to take a wider picture but I really wanted to show the rushing quality. I love this picture of water.
In this one you can see the spray.
This is a better shot of buffaloes don’t you think?
On the way back to Idaho Falls I took this of the Grand Tetons facing south.
Here is a full view with a storm cloud overhead just before it burst.
In Jackson (Jackson Hole to some), Wyoming I saw these wooden Indians in line in front of a souvenir shop.
More Indians
I want to make an Art Stamp with these indians.
And also this gateway to the park made of antlers
This was facing me in the elevator at the Hampton.
So now it's almost like you were there!
On the freeway when we got home.
California, “Home Sweet Home”.